The Sleep/Wake Research Centre is an experienced provider of university courses in sleep and circadian science. We established the first undergraduate courses dedicated to sleep and circadian science in Aotearoa New Zealand. We currently offer one undergraduate course.
To discuss enrolment in the undergraduate course, please contact Dr Karyn O'Keeffe, Course Coordinator, by email or telephone +64 4 979 3260.
252301: Sleep, health and performance (15 credits)
This fully online, single-semester online course is offered in Semester 1 each year.
The course is a core course in the Bachelor of Health Science (Integrated Human Health) at Massey University and may also be taken as an elective for other degrees or as a standalone course. It is designed for those who are interested in learning about sleep health, circadian rhythms, sleep loss (missing out on sleep) and circadian disruption (sleeping at the wrong times of the day).
Students who take this course will learn fundamental concepts in sleep and circadian science and then extend that knowledge to consider the role of sleep and circadian rhythms in physical and mental health and everyday performance.
For more information about course learning outcomes, assessment and enrolment, please click here.